Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mind Body & Soul

Being healthy and fit is more than doing exercise and eating plenty of fruit and vegetables - it's a complete way of life . Your mind, body and soul all have to work together in healthy harmony.
What use is a 6 minute mile or a six pack if you're about to kill the boss, or you sit at home depressed with a chocolate bar for company. So having it all is a dream?
With a few simple steps, we can all be healthier and happier and laugh a little more.
Life is all about living - being happy with yourself and others around you. Its to easy to become negative with your thoughts when your around the wrong people, or within the wrong enviroment.
Remember to make a change in your life - you will often need to make changes in your life.
What you do will decide who you are!
Use your time wisely to help dedicate time to where you want to go - if you don't have a plan or a dream then your likely never accomplish your total fulfillment.
A dream will always be a dream until its written down - then it becomes a goal - try and achieve all your goals in life.
Unlike pushing the weights or pounding the streets - training the mind and soul is about training your inner self - your thoughts - your well-being.
Classes such as Yoga - Tai Chi are excellent for assisting with your breathing and relaxtion whilst enabling yourself to be focused on yourself.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pilates Slims Your Silhouette

Personal Fitness Trainer
Pilates promotes a longer, leaner body line just as yoga does, because it involves stretching, bending, and twisting the body while developing core strength. But Pilates is not particularly aerobic, so if you are looking for a big calorie burn, use Pilates as an adjunct exercise to running, walking, biking, or using a fitness machine at the gym. Pilates plus aerobic exercise makes for a comprehensive fitness plan, since Pilates increases strength and flexibility and can prevent injuries and improve athletic performance in the same way as regular yoga practice. Many athletes find the emphasis on core body strength in Pilates helps them in their other sports.